This project will generate a scoping review of additionality and leakage requirements of carbon markets, protocols, and programs and create scenarios of forest carbon additionality to be used in decision-making tools. The team will design and pilot a decision-making tool and associated resource guide for forest landowners and forestry professionals.
Carbon Additionality and Leakage in Forest Management: A How-To for U.S. Landowners
Multi-institutional | Research Working Group
September 16, 2023
– September 15, 2027
Project Details
Funded by USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station
(External Funding)
Administrative Unit
Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics (RIEEE)
Research Theme
Project Team Members
More Projects and Programs
National Geographic Society
NC Department of Transportation via UNC-Wilmington
This project focuses on leveraging Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to efficiently monitor soil erosion and bathymetric changes resulting from dam removal. The recently removed Ward’s Mill Dam on the Watauga…