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/ Research Themes / Regenerative Forestry, Agriculture and Food Systems

Regenerative Forestry, Agriculture and Food Systems

Sustainable and holistic approaches to managing working landscapes to preserve and enhance ecosystem and human health

Theme Researchers and Staff

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Convergence Research Postdoc

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Jeremy Ferrell

Assistant Department Chair
Associate Professor

Seth Grooms

Assistant Professor

Michael Hambourger

Associate Professor

Dr. Christine Ogilvie Hendren

Vice Provost for Research and Innovation

Mark Hills

Associate Professor

Kevin Gamble

Senior Lecturer

Hei-Young Kim

Research Scientist

Dr. Tammy Kowalczyk

Director of the Appalachian Impact Clinic

Dr. Gregg Marland

Affiliated Research Professor

Matt Ogwu

Assistant Professor

Grace Marasco-Plummer

Managing Director

Pre-Engineering Advisor, Practitioner in Residence

Jay Rickabaugh

Assistant Professor

Dr. Tatyana Ruseva

MA Program Director

Bob Swarthout

Director of Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor

Bhuwan Thapa

Assistant Professor

Dr. Shea Tuberty

Director of the QEP

Ok-Youn Yu

Department Chairperson