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/ Projects and Programs / Measuring the Socioeconomic Benefit of Hurricane-related Data from the Joint Polar Satellite System

Measuring the Socioeconomic Benefit of Hurricane-related Data from the Joint Polar Satellite System

CERPA will work with the CISESS project team to develop approaches for an economic analysis in the select value chain sectors and decision contexts. CERPA will collaborate to determine benefit studies in select areas to develop economic assessment and models associated with improvements in select decision contexts. Where data are unavailable for primary analysis, literature will be drawn on to estimate the value of the selected benefit case studies. The outcomes of the quantitative and qualitative analyses above will be combined to quantify an approximate value of the JPSS data in terms of the selected socioeconomic outcomes for the select benefit cases.

More specifically, CERPA will develop an understanding of JPSS satellite data, their instrumentation and how potential improvements in hurricane forecasting activity information informs households’ decision-making. Using a benefits-transfer approach, CERPA will then use the existing literature on hurricane impacts to estimate the economic benefits associated with improved information.

January 1, 2023
– June 30, 2024

Project Details

Funded by NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) via NCSU North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS)

(External Funding)

Administrative Unit

Center for Economic Research and Policy Analysis (CERPA)

Research Theme

Project Team Members

Dr. Owen Ash Morgan

Director of CERPA

John Whitehead


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