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/ Projects and Programs / Ongoing Maintenance of Automatic Weather Stations in the Khumbu Region of Nepal

Ongoing Maintenance of Automatic Weather Stations in the Khumbu Region of Nepal

The National Geographic and Rolex Everest weather station network, established in a previous year, has been highly successful, consistently providing crucial data to scientists, forecasters, climbers, and local communities. Recently, our team achieved several milestones: (1) completed essential annual maintenance on specific stations; (2) installed a new station just below the summit at a significant elevation; and (3) conducted capacity building sessions with local collaborators. Collaboration between the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology from the Government of Nepal, Tribhuvan University, and the National Geographic Society (NGS) supported a recent expedition through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU designates a technical and academic partner to operate and maintain the stations for a specified period, with financial support from NGS.

Facility | International | Multi-institutional
March 31, 2021
– June 30, 2024

Project Details

Funded by National Geographic Society (NGS)

(External Funding)

Administrative Unit

Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics (RIEEE)

Research Theme

Project Team Members

Dr. Lester "Baker" Perry

RIEEE Senior Scholar

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