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/ Projects and Programs / Advancing Environmental Justice in Disadvantaged NC Communities Through Pollution Prevention and Technical Assistance for Manufacturing Facilities

Advancing Environmental Justice in Disadvantaged NC Communities Through Pollution Prevention and Technical Assistance for Manufacturing Facilities

This project is dedicated to transforming manufacturing practices to be more eco-friendly, with a specific emphasis on communities facing environmental justice challenges. Industries in North Carolina, such as food and beverage production, chemical manufacturing, and metal fabrication, are often small to mid-sized businesses, lacking expertise in energy and water conservation and waste reduction. This situation not only poses a challenge but also presents an opportunity to address pollution, conserve resources, minimize greenhouse gas emissions, and achieve cost savings through the adoption of pollution prevention (P2) and green initiatives. By facilitating the transition to sustainable and eco-friendly practices, we are contributing to cleaner environments, cost savings for businesses, and a more equitable distribution of the benefits of green initiatives in environmental justice communities.

Multi-institutional | Research Working Group
October 1, 2023
– September 30, 2025

Project Details

Funded by Environmental Protection Agency via East Carolina University

(External Funding)

Administrative Unit

Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics (RIEEE)

Research Theme

Project Team Members

Dr. Tammy Kowalczyk

Director of the Appalachian Impact Clinic

Rebecca Witter

Associate Professor

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Department Chair
Joseph F. Freeman Distinguished Professor

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