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/ Projects and Programs / Insufficient Sleep and Dietary Choices: An Ecologically Valid Examination of the Decision Foundations of Eating Behaviors when Sleep Restricted

Insufficient Sleep and Dietary Choices: An Ecologically Valid Examination of the Decision Foundations of Eating Behaviors when Sleep Restricted

Millions of adults worldwide face the challenges of not getting enough sleep and making unhealthy food choices. In the U.S., over one-third of adults experience both insufficient sleep and obesity. This project aims to uncover the connection between lack of sleep and dietary decisions, especially among young adults. By using a special sleep experiment at home, we’ll be able to understand how altering sleep levels affects choices related to food. This isn’t total sleep deprivation but a more realistic reflection of how many people actually sleep. The goal is to learn more about the relationship between sleep and dietary choices, which can help improve well-being. Insights gained will contribute to creating interventions that enhance sleep health and encourage healthier dietary habits.

November 21, 2021
– October 31, 2024

Project Details

Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF)

(External Funding)

Administrative Unit

Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics (RIEEE)

Research Theme

Project Team Members

Dr. David Dickinson


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